It is a mystery and an embarrassment all in one.
I have inadvertently created two Blogs. Perhaps having two email addresses in two browsers led me into this mess. These two journals do not cross-populate and neither Blogpsot/Blogger nor anyone on-line seems to be able to help me delete this one and bring the other one to this site. This is unfortunate because there are now different followers of each journal and readers of one cannot see the comments of the readers of the other.
The point of notation here is to alert anyone reading this journal to consider reading the comments in the other posting by checking out the other postings that preceded this journal.
To go to the other journal, click here:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

RAS spiked, but is diminishing - - - IAA now rising

Well, was I ever wrong.
I thought that I had my RAS in check and was being positive and appropriately patient. However, I found myself beginning to 'over-think' the new development in my PC Toolkit (refer to previous blog).

The specific wording in my Toolkit began to play over and over in my mind and I found myself thinking, "They didn't say that I was medically cleared. They said 'A decision has been reached . . . Please look for a letter in the mail.' "  The subtle difference became a big thing in my mind and it could only be explained by concluding that I was not cleared and the awful news was being mailed to me.

Before I would allow myself to despair, I emailed my nurse reviewer and asked some clarifying questions.

Lo, and behold! She responded within the hour. She clearly stated that I am medically cleared and she was pushing my questions/concerns on "to Placement."
This brings me to the point of explaining the title of this blog. My RAS spiked sharply due to my over-thinking incomplete information, but it was quickly soothed by the merciful nurse reviewer.  She is a RPCV who, like me, entered PC after years in a career and perhaps she has a special reason for helping me.
Now, I am experiencing something new - - - IAA.
Just what the Peace Corps needs; another acronym (!).
I am calling this new emotional state 'Invitation Anticipation Anxiety."
Someday IAA will appear in the DSM along with, but distinctly different from RAS.

Lessons learned:
1) Do NOT over-think anything.
2) Do not be reluctant to reach out and ask PC to clarify things for you.   
3) Maintain PMA and remain patient.

1 comment:

  1. I fully embrace your new acronym. IAA has hit me so hard I think I have a panic attack every time my phone rings or my email notification goes off.
