It is a mystery and an embarrassment all in one.
I have inadvertently created two Blogs. Perhaps having two email addresses in two browsers led me into this mess. These two journals do not cross-populate and neither Blogpsot/Blogger nor anyone on-line seems to be able to help me delete this one and bring the other one to this site. This is unfortunate because there are now different followers of each journal and readers of one cannot see the comments of the readers of the other.
The point of notation here is to alert anyone reading this journal to consider reading the comments in the other posting by checking out the other postings that preceded this journal.
To go to the other journal, click here:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

OKAY! Now I get to the next level of anxiety.

Immediately after the email from the Placement and Assessment Assistant last Monday, I sent an email to my former boss, the CFO of the agency I had worked at, and asked to have the request from the Peace Corps fulfilled.
I had not heard anything from either my former boss, or the PC since then, so I wrote to the P&A Assistant asking if we could move ahead in the interim, or what else I could do.
She answered me within about two hours and it was 6PM. Her response surprised me. She said that immediately before receiving my inquiry, she had received the information she requested I get from my former boss (!). She added that she has referred my file on to a Placement Officer and that I am still being considered for the programs I was nominated for and they are scheduled to leave between January and March. She told me to expect to hear from someone "within the next few weeks, if not sooner."
Well, Hooray!  - - - 
I am now at a higher level of RAS complicated with increased IAA.

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