It is a mystery and an embarrassment all in one.
I have inadvertently created two Blogs. Perhaps having two email addresses in two browsers led me into this mess. These two journals do not cross-populate and neither Blogpsot/Blogger nor anyone on-line seems to be able to help me delete this one and bring the other one to this site. This is unfortunate because there are now different followers of each journal and readers of one cannot see the comments of the readers of the other.
The point of notation here is to alert anyone reading this journal to consider reading the comments in the other posting by checking out the other postings that preceded this journal.
To go to the other journal, click here:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

YIKES! Good BUT confusing news

Another 5AM email was received this morning.
This time it was the same cryptic message as the previous one - - - "Peace Corps has updated your Application Status account."
My immediate check of my PC Toolkit revealed that my medical documentation is now:

"Complete. A decision has been reached regarding your medical review. Please look for a letter in the mail."

But, wait, my Toolkit also still has that puzzling Legal HOLD in those ominous bold red capital letters.
 ("Your legal eligibility to serve in the Peace Corps is currently under review.") My legal eligibility to serve is under review, yet they are sending me mail about my medical clearance?

Alas, feeling good but can't shake the anxiety and still have to wait. Maybe the USPS will deliver an answer, or at least a clue. Maybe (!)

Must maintain a positive mental attitude and  resume being patient.

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