It is a mystery and an embarrassment all in one.
I have inadvertently created two Blogs. Perhaps having two email addresses in two browsers led me into this mess. These two journals do not cross-populate and neither Blogpsot/Blogger nor anyone on-line seems to be able to help me delete this one and bring the other one to this site. This is unfortunate because there are now different followers of each journal and readers of one cannot see the comments of the readers of the other.
The point of notation here is to alert anyone reading this journal to consider reading the comments in the other posting by checking out the other postings that preceded this journal.
To go to the other journal, click here:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The 5AM email

As I mentioned previously, a PC nurse reviewer had requested "one last" medical report and I had mailed it on 11/17/10. I checked the tracking number yesterday and learned that it was at the Washington, DC post office as of 11/29/10. WHAT? It took 12 days for a first class envelope to go from Philadelphia, PA to Washington, DC? No wonder I hadn't heard from the nurse reviewer since 11/19 when the post office had suggested the envelope should arrive at Washington, DC. I settled back into my "wait" mode. But each day dawns anew - - -
Following the blogs of others gave me the basis for a feeling of excitement when I opened my email in-box this morning and saw that I had received a message from PC. It had been sent at 5AM and it stated that "Peace Corps has updated your Application Status account." I immediately opened my PC Toolkit and saw that the Medical Hold had been removed and in its place it stated that, "Peace Corps is currently reviewing your medical documentation."
Well, that certainly feels like good news, but is it true progress? The original Legal Hold is still there. 
So, for now, I'll have to retreat back into my "wait" mode. However, this time with an increase in my general anxiety level because a check of PC Wiki indicates that a staging date of January 27 has been posted for my original nomination region (Eastern Caribbean). I have waited waited 40 years to become a serious PC applicant so I suppose another few days are tolerable.
Hopefully, it is no longer a matter of months and not even weeks.